Friday, April 10

Today is Good Friday

Remembering the Sorrowful Mysteries.

1.The Agony in the Garden...

Seeing Christ as a human being makes us realize how even the Son of the Father had to go to purification and had to face his fear. It is when i realized that even if you are surrounded with people whom you care and love, still , in the middle of the night, you find yourself awake and afraid of something and you're alone. There are always moments of isolation no matter how you plan your life, your activities and even sometimes we try to damage control our lives and our sins.

It is that we either find emptiness to lonely night or we try to search for God's face.
your choice. :) ( God loved us so much to grant us the free will when he can just mould our minds for his own glory, but he did not force himself to us. But he choose to reveal the truth in spite of the cloud of unknowing - FAITH)

You don't really need to go further away, all you need to do is acknowledge that there is indeed a God , a risen God, and that perfect surrender of worldly intelligence to be able to see his wisdom.
Humility is a start in accepting that we need God in EVERYTHING that we are and EVERYTHING that we do.

the agony may not be all agonizing when we feel the company of the spirit of love in spite of the loneliness and fear from this puny little world were in.

Spiritual Fruit:
God's Will be done

2.The Scourging at the Pillar

Jesus was stripped out from his clothes and dignity. Mocked by his own people.
His words to John:
" if the world has hated you, remember that it has hated me first."
(John 15:18)
"Remember that no servant is greater than his master, If they persecuted you, you must not be afraid, The helper will come.... Who reveals the truth about God and who comes for the father"
(John 15:20)

...It is sad to realize that some human beings can be as mean as evil and insensitive with other peoples pain and labor and even to those who use the word "love" to claim that they practice it well...
But this is not something new to a christian life. Sorrows and pain are indeed necessary for conversion. The only hindrance to all this "change of heart " is pride. The sorrows and the pain makes us realize that we are only human, fickle and foolish at times and that we need God. How often do we need him in times of desolation., only because we need consolation? I have realized through the years is that we seek so many ways to console ourselves by going out with friends, working 24/7 etc... but what are all these? friends are limited people like me so why do i settle for something less and paranoia would never bring me anywhere...near a peaceful mind.
It is only through the surrender of my pride that i have to know the real peace which is with the God of Consolation. ( An experience with Him is shouldn't miss this) ;)

Spiritual Fruit: Mortification of the senses

3.The Crowning with Thorns...

They fashion a crown out of thorns, and forcefully press it down upon His head. In His bound hands they place a reed, as a sceptre, in mockery of His kingship.

...Now, how many of us has experienced this sort of mockery? but i am sure no one has ever had this close experience as what Christ had to undergo?

SO anything lesser of this pain isn't really that bad. Maybe it would be an occasion for us to renew our patience and humility. In times like this, we couldn't absorb everything in full strength of meekness unless we ask God to accompany us and make us strong to withstand the blow , If it is necessary to defend ourselves , then by all means we ask our celestial guards of angel and the communion with saints to back us up with God's blessings. It is pretty much gearing ourselves up when our enemy has only but hate to throw upon us while we have the full celestial warriors of God to defend us. But in times of when we shouldn't be defending ourselves, it doesn't mean that were weak , It is only when we realize that sometimes, were even too strong to even defend ourselves and the end result is just hurting the one who persecutes us. ( The persecutors hurt themselves far more than those whom they persecuted) In our own saintly ways, We inherit His kingdom, thus REAL peace and rest is at hand.

Jesus and Pontius Pilate:
Pilate asks,
"Are You a king?" Jesus answers: "I am a King, but My kingdom is not of this world."

True to His word, Your merits are never going to be in this world but in His Kingdom.

Spiritual Fruit: Reign of Christ in our heart

4.The Carrying of the Cross

Jesus condemned to death by crucifixion is forced to carry the cross to the place of execution.

... Most of US do not want any crosses, If possible we shouldn't have pains and tribulation in this lifetime., But have you ever considered that this world isn't paradise anymore? where sins and evil are permitted to roam and snatch us from every possible way? so it just impossible not to have any crosses nor trials in this lifetime. Embracing it is one way of fully accepting situations and that accepting that we can never be in control all the time. The word embracing is such a strong word to me but I believe that God fully equips the believer to have some shock absorber when the tremors exceeds the intensity 8. The aftershocks can be deadly too. But God has a way of showing his mercy on the time when we feel hopeless and abandoned. God is just mysteriously good. His timing is just the perfect time not necessarily agreeable to our own time and plans but He doesn't abandon a humble heart. He may not agree with you all the time, Just showing you the contrast of your dark soul against the light of his love and will.

Spiritual Fruit: Patient bearing of trials

5. The Crucifixion
  1. The hands and feet of Jesus are nailed to the cross in the presence of His afflicted Mother.
  2. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."
  3. "This day you will be with Me in paradise."
  4. "Woman, behold your Son. Son, behold your Mother."
  5. "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
  6. "I thirst."
  7. "It is finished."
  8. "Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit."
  9. The side of Jesus is pierced with a lance. His body is taken down and placed in the arms of His Mother.
  10. Father, by the merits of the crucifixion and death of Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
The Prophesy is completed. Accomplished. What miracle do we need to know?
Jesus ' coming and death and resurrection is the Ultimate revelation.
All we need to do is accept the promise and the redemption.
We can continue his work by imitation and forgiveness.
* * *
Even in death of Christ doubting leads us to more confusion and who else are you in debate with ? God or your the inner pride in you ? * * *
The tremendous strength
of martyrdom is unexplainable...
the deep flow of love, humility, endurance and forgiveness of the saints
is never achievable without the graces of the Holy spirit. To those who abide under the shadow of almighty will surely not perish in vain. The world will never witness it but the secrecy of God's work is just beautifully unexplainable and something to look forward to isn't it?
nuff said.

Spiritual Fruit: Pardoning of Injuries



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